my baby

My baby has joined with my other plant babies so now we have a family of plants in our dorm (amanda & I).  I am amazed at how much it changes daily.  I water them more often than my other plants because they do not require as much water, so it is a little adjustment because the sunflowers require a bit more attention.

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Extremophiles are organisms that live in extreme environments.  Tardigrades are commonly known as water bears or moss piglets.  Water bears are able to live in environments extremely cold environments in which most organisms could not survive.  The environments in which they can survive can go down to temperatures as low as −273 °C. Although there is very little fossil evidence left from tardigrades, recent DNA and RNA data shows that they are the sister group to arthropods.  They are also considered close relatives to the roundworms because of hox gene data.

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Inductive vs. Deductive Reasoning

Inductive reasoning moves from more specific examples to generalizations, while deductive reasoning is the opposite. It moves from generalizations to more specific ideas.  Induction works best with observations or experience, and deduction works best with widely accepted principals.


Induction: Every time I have seen her, she has had her hair in a pony tail.  She must always wear her hair in a pony tail.

Deduction: Statistics show that men do not speak as much as women, so on our date tonight I will probably do most of the talking.

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